A Deeper Look into Urban Beardsmen
Welcome to this fine internet establishment that curates all things urban beardsman. As you dive in, you’re probably wondering, “What the hell is an urban beardsman?” Well, first things first. No urban beardsman is the same – but that being said, we do have some unifying traits.
Let’s break it down a little bit. What is a beardsman? This one is pretty simple. It’s a man who wears a beard. This encompasses the world of bearded stereotypes – from lumberjacks, to bikers, to hippies and outdoorsmen. The problem we found was that traditional stereotypes of beardsmen don’t relate to the majority of beardsmen. I mean, how many times have you gotten annoyed with the “ZZ Top,” “Grizzly Adams,” or “Duck Dynasty” comments?
The reason you get annoyed is because, while they are awesome folks, those people aren’t like you. How great would it be if someone came up to you and was like, “Hey, your beard is like Tobias Van Schneider’s, Ricki Hall’s or the dude from Epic Meal Time?” You’d probably be like, “Fuck yeah! – now that’s a compliment!” We’re talking about stylish, driven, and innovative types of individuals. Beardsmen care about themselves and their impact on the world.
Having a beard doesn’t mean we’re lazy, unkempt, or rough and gruff. It’s just one thing about us. Our beards help us stand out in the crowded world of 9 to 5ers and paper pushers. The beard symbolizes a passion for independence and the drive to stand out from the crowd. It’s not the safe play, but when combined with individual style and family and community involvement, it evolves into an awesome combination.
That combination of awesomeness is the urban beardsman.
A beardsman is a man who builds his own path; who understands the value of looking good; who has confidence and leadership to get shit done. There have always been men like this, but no one has bothered to unite them or to tell their stories-until now. We’ve been telling the stories of incredible beardsmen for years and will continue to share with the world what it means to be an urban beardsman.
Our goal is to help men become the man they want to be. I’m talking about all those societal pressures that sway us to make decisions that aren’t really who we are – like shaving our beard, or dressing conservatively, or not leading a project at work that we are passionate about.
That’s what I love about this movement – we aren’t trying to change who you are on the outside, but help you show the world who you really are on the inside. That my friend is an urban beardsman.