Beardbrand Launches Silver Line Travel Size Beard Wash & Softener

Beardbrand gets it – you want to travel the world with your beard, but you’ve got to keep it clean on the go. That’s why today they’re launching their official Silver Line travel size beard wash and softener to make sure your man mane stays clean, healthy, and soft while on the go.
If you’re not quite ready to commit to a full size beard wash and softener, the new launch is the perfect option to test the waters before committing to a specific scent: Compact enough to fit in your luggage, and convenient enough to carry with you on the run, Beardbrand’s 2 oz. wash and softener bottles are the perfect way to try out the Silver Line and find just the right scent for you.
And as if that’s not cool enough, the first 50 customers to order a set will receive their wash and softener in a Recycled Firefighter bag. A kick-ass company that re-purposes old fire-hoses into wallets, pouches and belts, Recycled Firefighter’s handy little bag has a retail value of $29, but Beardbrand is giving it away free with the first 50 orders of the Silver Line travel size beard wash and softener.
Check out the new Silver Line travel size beard wash and softener now at!