Cade Mangelson
Who I Am.
Name’s Cade. I am the owner of Twigs Woodwear.
What I Do.
I stay pretty busy, and I like it that way. Though I find myself needing to get off the grid pretty regularly. Twigs keeps growing and we’ve been fortunate to have all the support that we do. I push my own limits, try to avoid stagnation, and am passionate about the things I do.
Where I Live.
My wife Taelor and I are at the base of the mountains in Utah. It’s in our blood. I’ve spent time away from here, and always find my way back. Between the changing seasons and endless winding roads, it’s a perfect setting. We also have one of the best motorcycle cultures in existence. Call me biased.
Why I Beard.
Why not? I beard because I can. I’ve had hair on my face since I could grow it. My current beard has been on there for a year. I think it was Shia Lebeouf (playing Louis Stevens at the time) who said, “Grow a beard. Ya know, be somebody.” That sums it up for me.
To connect with Twigs Woodwear on social media, check out their Instagram account at @twigswoodwear.