Greg Hogan
Who I Am.
My name is Greg Hogan. I was born and raised in Limerick Ireland. My family immigrated to America in the early 90’s. I met an American girl, we married, we have three boys and I am living the American Dream one day at a time.
What I Do.
By day I am an IT Systems Administrator for a large public school system here in Georgia. However at night, that is when my real passion is explored. I am an astro-photographer. I spend many long cold nights outside with my telescope searching deep into space with camera attached to the back of it. There is something about finding a new hidden treasure in the night sky to capture and process and share with the world. Space is deep, large, and dark but there is light, light from millions of years ago that is just now reaching us, showing us a window back in time. I feel closer to God when I look up into the night sky.
Where I Live.
I live in Kathleen, Georgia, which is about two hours south of Atlanta. It is away from the big city lights, which would make it impossible to enjoy the night sky.
Why I Beard.
I have had a beard for over six years now, but its always been a neatly trimmed one. A few months back I came across a cause called “Beards for Bleeders” which was setup to help raise awareness for a bleeding condition known as Hemophilia – a condition where the blood does not clot when you have a bleed. My youngest son has this. I beard for him. It has grown in length and will continue to grow for him. My beard gives me strength for him. It reminds me everyday to be strong for him. One of my favorite biblical stories is the one of Samson whose hair gave him strength, its kind of like that. Also, without one I look like a twelve year old boy.
To connect with Greg, and to see more of his work, visit