What It's Like to Try and Grow Beard as a Teenager
Eric is back again to help you learn how to grow your beard out as a teenager. Long story short, it's the same as growing it as an adult. You just don't shave. Put the razor down. Those of you who want a little more detail, it's emotional and physical. Being a teenager is difficult. You're wrapped around hundreds of other people. Even Eric dealt with it in high school since he was a late bloomer, constantly analyzing himself for facial and body hair. It can be challenging to deal with at first, cause we all grow at different rates and hit puberty at different times.
The hormones can take control of your life. They make you think about things that don't make a lot of sense. You make think you know everything, are the expert and can dominate the world. As you get older that's just not the case. The main thing is that most times as a teenager, you feel impatient. You don't want to wait. You want it right now. But that's the biggest part of growing a beard, as you age your beard will grow in fuller and thicker.
There's almost a scale. When you start puberty, you grow small stuff here and there. Then at 18-20, it starts to grow in much thick. Heck, even Eric wasn't able to grow a full beard until about he was about 28. If you're 14 and want a beard right now, that might not happen as fast as you think. Even at 18, it's not all that common. Even in our videos, Greg is in his 50s, Carlos Eric & Jeff in their mid-30s. They all have the patience to grow their beards, cause that's how long they took to reach that point.
There's gonna be a lot of companies that will take advantage of your impatience. There are no pills that give you a fuller thicker beard. There are vitamins that will speed up the process, but only as much as your diet is lacking. Don't fall into all the myths you hear. Do your research before believing anything. Shaving doesn't grow your hair back thicker. You're growing up, and shaving is only the difference of time.
There's a lot of companies out there that say you're only a ma if you grow a beard, that you're only masculine if you've got a super beard. Your beard doesn't define your masculinity, neither does your body shape or amount of muscle you have. You're your own person. Don't fall into their trap. You don't have to look how they want you to look. You're an awesome dude no matter what they say! Just love what you have, and love who you are!
The best practice here is to grow what you got. That means if your chin comes in well, grow it out. If your mustache is rocking, grow it out! If you have some mutton chops, rock those too! Keep the areas that are a little thinner at a short length. You can rock the stubble or the shadow. Whether that's the beard stache, scruffy goat, or just mutton chops, then it'll leave you with a really unique style. Grow it out for a few months to see what you have, then trim the other areas to rock whar you have! High school will not be your peak. You are going to continue to grow, and your beard will get better.